Category: ReciBEEs

High Pitched Chicken

My brother’s favorite chicken dish as a little boy in our house growing up was called “High Pitched Chicken.” Too little to understand or put his finger on the concept of “zesty” or “flavorful,” he referred to this almost no-prep…

The Bee’s Uncooked Pasta

In the 1980’s my mother’s bible for entertaining was “The Silver Palate Cookbook.” Sheila Lukins and Julee Rosso were ever-present in my mother’s kitchen on Hoskier Road. She used their recipes to entertain effortlessly and elegantly, Ina’s ultimate goal being…

The Bee’s Knees Vidalia Onions

Summertime is knocking softly on our doors. Can you hear it? Are you listening? The softest scent of lilacs fills our backyard and breezy bug-less evenings (my favorite kind) are making eating outside a welcome treat. Especially here on our…

The Bee’s Velvet Tomato Sauce

Moving from Atlanta, GA to South Orange, NJ in 1977 was a shock to my mother’s system. Deeply tethered to her southern roots, parents, siblings and friends, it was an emotional move to say the least. She had separated from…

Lazy Roasted Tomatoes

Any southerner will tell you that the only thing better than a ripe seasonal tomato is a ripe seasonal peach. We love our tomatoes so much that when they’re not in season we think of creative ways to eat them…

Growing up, Shabbat dinner was something that my mother tried hard to make a priority every Friday night. She wisely knew that as we grew older our Friday nights spent as a family would dwindle. And while growing up in…